Sunday, March 24, 2013



Conversion of Weight units
Ø  1kg = 2.2046 lbs
Ø  1kg = 1000 grams
Ø  1gm = 15.432 grains
Ø  1lbs = 453.6 grams
Ø  1lbs = 16 oz
Ø  1lbs = 7000 grains
Ø  1grain = 0.0029 oz
Ø  1oz = 437.50 grains
Ø  1penny = 24 grains
Ø  1ton = 2204.6 lbs
Ø  1bundle = 10 lbs
Ø  1bag = 100 lbs
Ø  1mund = 40 kg
Ø  1mund = 88.18 lbs
Conversion of length units
Ø  1m = 1.0936 yards
Ø  1m = 39.37 inches
Ø  1m = 100 cm
Ø  1m = 1000 mm
Ø  1cm = 10 mm
Ø  1yard = 36 inches
Ø  1yard = 0.9144 meter
Ø  1yard = 91.44 cm
Ø  1ft = 12 cm
Ø  1ft = 30.48 mm
Ø  1hank = 840 yards
Moisture Relation for Textile Materials
Ø  M.R =  w/D*100
Ø  M.C = w/w+D*100        =      w/W*100
Ø  M = R/(1+R/100)
Ø  C.C.W  = D * (100+R/100)
Ø  D = C.C.W *(100/100+R%)
Ø  C.C.W = D+R%
Ø  C.C.W = D+(D*R/100)
Ø  Dm) ²
Ø  Volume of air = area (feet sq) * liner speed (ft/min)
Ø  Pm = CA + CB/WA + WB  =  PAWA + PAWB/WA + WB
Blow Room & Carding Section
Ø  Cleaning Efficiency = trash removed/total trash fed *100
Ø  Efficiency = tr/tf * 100        =           tf-tr/tf * 100
Ø  Waste = trash + lint
Ø  Waste Extracted = weight fed * waste%
Ø  Waste Extracted = weight fed weight delivered
Ø  Weight Delivered = weight fed - waste extracted
Ø  Weight Delivered = weight fed * (100 w/100)
Ø  Weight Fed = weight delivered * (100/100 w)
Ø  Lap length (directly proportional) lap change wheel
Ø  Lap length = lap length constant * lap length constant wheel
Ø  Beats/min = rpm of beater * number of strikers
Ø  Beats/inch = beats per minute/feeding rate (inches/min)
Ø  Beats Constant = beats/inch * rpm of paddle roller
Ø  Beats Constant = beat per minute/feeding rate
Ø  Efficiency = actual production/calculated production * 100
Ø  Actual production = calculated production * efficiency
Ø  Actual production = weight of lap(lbs) * number of lap/hr
Ø  M.D = s.s of shell roller/s.s of paddle roller
Ø  Production of B/R (lbs/hr) = production constant * N(shell roller rpm) * W(oz/yd)
Ø  Production of card (lbs/hr) = πDN * 36 * 60 * 1 *ŋ
Ø                                                 36      *    840 * count
Ø  Production of card (lbs/hr) = πDN * 36 * 60 * (weight in ozs) * ŋ/36 * 16                                                                      
Ø  No of scutchers required = feeding rate of cards/production of one scutchers
Ø  No of card required = production of blow room/feeding rate of card deptt
Ø  Production of card (lbs/hr) = delivery rate(m/min) * grain/yds * 1.0936 * 60 * ŋ
Ø                                                                                    7000
Ø  Time to complete full card can = sliver length(yds)/delivery rate(yds/min)
Ø  No. of scutchers required = production of blow room/production of one scutchers
Ø  No. of card required = production of card section/production of one card
Ø  Tension Draft = s.speed of C.C.R/s.speed of Doffer
Ø  Total Lap weight = lap length * weight/yd
Ø  D(Trumpet guide) = 0.015625 * count *
Ø  Waste% age = input output  *  100
Ø                                       Input
Draw frame Section
Ø  Actual Draft  =       weight/yd fed        * No. of doublings
Ø                            weight/yd delivered
Ø  Production(lbs/hr) = delivery rate(m/min) * 1.0936 * 60 * No. of deliveries/7000
Ø  Production(lbs/hr)(only for two deliveries)= delivery rate(m/min) * 0.45 *grains/yd * ŋ
Ø  Production(lbs/hr)  =                       πDN                         * 60 * tension draft * ŋ
Ø                                     36 * 840 * hank sliver
Ø  No. of Deliveries Required= feeding rate of simplex/production of finisher draw frame
Unilap Section
Ø  Production(lbs/hr)  = delivery rate(yd/min) * lap weight(grains/yd) *60 *1.0936 * ŋ
Ø                                                                                    7000
Ø  Note = 1 penny = 24 grains/yd
Comber Section
Ø  Production(lbs/hr)  =      L      *       F * N * H * (100 W) * 60 * ŋ
Ø                                    7000 *      36          *          100
Ø  Note
Ø  L = lap weight in grain/yd
Ø  F = feed rate in inches/min
Ø  N = nips/min
Ø  W = noil %age extracted
Ø  H = no of comber heads
Simplex Section
Ø  Feeding Rate = π * D(dia of back roller) * Rpm(back roller)
Ø  Delivery Rate = π * D(dia of front roller) * Rpm(front roller)
Ø  TPI =                 spindle speed________________                                    
Ø            Delivery rate or F.R delivery in inches/min
Ø  Production(lbs/hr) = front roll delivery * 60    *     1     *       ŋ
Ø                                            36                *                 840 * count
Ø  Production(lbs/hr) = flyer rpm     *     60    *    No. of spindles * ŋ
Ø                                           TPI * Hank roving * 36 * 840

Ø  Production(lbs/hr) = 5.7  *  flyer rpm     *   ŋ                                  (for 120 spindles m/c) 
Ø                                                TPI * Hank roving
Ø  TPI =                           flyer speed______________                                    
Ø            Delivery rate or F.R delivery in inches/min
Ø  CPM = front roll delivery(inches/min)
Ø                   Bobbin circumference
Ø  CPI                      CPM_______________                               
Ø             Liner speed of bobbin rail(m/min)   
Ø  TCP(NEW) = TCP(old)  *   /
Ø  L.W = L.W(old)  *   / 
Ø  B.W = B.W(old)  *  / 
Ø  Roving Tension winding rate/delivery rate     =         (b f)πD/l
Ø  Roving Tension = (b f)πD/front roll delivery(inches per min)
Ø  Lifter Constant = CPI * lifter wheel
Ø  Turns per meter(TPM) = flyer rpm/delivery speed( meter per min)
Ø   Draft = count deliver/count fed
Ø  New DCP = old DCP  *  old draft/new draft              
Ø  New DCP = old DCP  *  old count/new count 
Ø  No. of Simplex required = production of finisher draw frame/feeding rate of one simplex
Ø  No. of Simplex required = total feeding rate of ring section/production of one simplex m/c
Ring Frame Sestion
Ø  Production(OPS) = spindle speed     *    1    *        1      * 60 * 8 * 16 * ŋ
Ø                                             TPI                36 * 840 * count
Ø  Production(OPS) =               πDN     *      60 *8 *16 * ŋ
Ø                                       36 * 840 * count
Ø  OPS from bags/day = total bags/total frame * No. of spindle per frame
Ø  No. of ring frame required = total production of simplex section/feeding rate of one ring frame
Ø  Traveler speed = spindle speed winding speed
Ø  Winding speed = front roll delivery(inches per min)/bobbin circumference
Ø  Traveler angle = bare bobbin dia/full bobbin dia
Ø  Linear speed of traveler(m/sec) =  πDN/1000 * 60    (where D is ring dia & N is spindle speed)
Auto Cone Section
Ø  Cone Length(meters) = count * cone weight(lbs) * 840/1.0936
Ø  Production(lbs/hr) = delivery rate(m per min) * No. of spindles * 60 * 1.0936 * ŋ /840
Ø  Production per spindle(lbs/hr) = π * Dia of Drum * Drum RPM * 60 * ŋ
Ø                                                                         36 * 840 * count

Open End
Ø  Production/Rotor(gm/hr) = 0.0006 * N * tex½  * ŋ/T.F              (where N is Rotor Speed)
Ø  Production/Rotor(lbs/hr) = 0.0019 * N * ŋ/T.M * (count)½
Ø  T.F = T.M * 9.61
Some Other Relations
Ø  A.D = M.D * 100/(100 W%)
Ø  A.D = count delivered/ count fed
Ø  A.D = weight fed/weight delivered
Ø  Waste% = (A.D M.D) * 100/A.D
Ø  M.D = A.D  *  (100 W%)/100
Ø  M.D = s.s of delivery roll   *   Driver gear
Ø                 s.s of feed roll      *   Driven gear
Ø  M.D = s.s of delivery roll
Ø                 s.s of feed roll  
Ø  Condensation Factor = s.s of cylinder
Ø                                              s.s of doffer
Ø  Density = mass/volume
Ø  590.5 = tex * count
Ø  Yarn Diameter = k/                                                                                (Where k is Constant)

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