Fig. 1 shows the airflow as it has been calculated (using FEM methods)
Fig. 2. The effect due to the inclination of the slot
Compact Spinning has firmly established itself as THE method of making superior ring yarn, with SUESSENs EliTe being the worlds leading system. The goal of compacting is to align the fibres in parallel and very close position to each other immediately prior to the twist insertion. This fibre arrangement will give compact yarn with all its characteristics. The elimination of the spinning triangle is merely a consequence of this arrangement. Let me try to explain what is actually going on in the compacting zone. All successful compacting systems are characterized by the following: a.) Between exit of the normal 3-roller drafting system and a nipping line there is a compacting zone b.) This zone consists of a suction tube with a slot inclined relative to the direction of the yarn path. Negative pressure is applied at this slot. c.) A perforated transportation means (e.g. lattice apron, metal drum with holes) is used to move the fibres across this inclined slot. There are two nearly independent physical effects which help to achieve the goal mentioned above: 1. The pneumatic effectThe drawing might require some explanations: imagine the EliTube cut along the line AA, as indicated in the small picture in the right hand bottom corner of Fig. 1. The arrows indicate the direction of the airflow as it enters the slot. It is easy to imagine that the airflow tries to move the fibre strand towards the centre of the slot. The width of the fibre mass is reduced; a step in the correct direction. This effect is present regardless of the inclination of the slot. Adding a lid on top of the slot, as done by some systems, may enhance it. This effect merely pushes the fibres closer together without any impact of them being parallel.
2. The effect due to the inclination of the slot(Ref: Fig-2)
This is a dynamic effect. Assume fibre A has left the front nipping point. Its front portion is now on the lattice apron (perforated drum, or the like) and moving with the speed of the lattice apron. As its head crosses the upstream edge of the slot nothing at all happens. It gets interesting when it tries to cross the downstream edge: The suction applied to the slot does not allow the fibre to cross the edge. It is therefore forced to move along the edge. Now by the law of vectorial addition of speed (we are still well below Einsteins Theory of Relativity) the speed of the portion of fibres along the edge increases to
This increase in speed of the portion of fibre moving along the downstream edge causes the fibres to be gently stretched.
Now, imagine a fibre B coming out of the front nipping point at a distance d from fibre A. It suffers the same fate so to speak. It will also be unable to cross the downstream edge of the slot and will align itself closely to fibre A, as they move to the end of the slot. Thus, a fibre bundle having a certain width upon leaving the front nipping point, and with the individual fibres neither parallel nor stretched, is transformed into a bundle where the fibres are perfectly parallel and close to each other. Naturally, the two effects complement each other, but it is obvious that the second effect is several orders of magnitude larger than the first one; also only the second effect stretches the fibres at the same time. As may be imagined, there is a complicated relationship between the optimum angle α, the suction pressure and the properties of the various fibres. If the compacting system allows V0, the speed of the perforated means to be varied relative to the speed of the front roller, the stretching of the fibres may be controlled further. Much of these important details are not yet understood well theoretically, and as so often in spinning one must rely on experience, and one finds surprises every once in a while!
Why compact spinning?
conventional ring spinning, fibres in the selvedge of strand emerging
from front roller nip do not get fully integrated into the yarn because
of the restriction to twist flow by the spinning triangle. These fibres
show up partly as protruding hairs or as wild fibres.
The spinning
triangle exists because of higher width of the strand as compared to
final yarn diameter. Further the fibres are tensioned to varying extent
depending upon their position in the spinning triangle. As a result full
realization of fibre strength is not achieved in the yarn.
The hairiness gives a
rough feel to the yarn. Variation in hairiness is a source of weft bars
and warp way streaks in the fabric. Long protruding hairs from the yarn
contribute to multiple breaks in weaving and fabric faults like
stitches and floats.
This problem is
solved by applying the compact spinning systems that increases yarn
quality. It is carried out by means of narrowing and decreasing the
width of the band of fibres which come out from the drawing apparatus
before it is twisted into yarn, and by the elimination of the spinning
triangle. It can be used for spinning both short and long staple yarns.
The compact spinning
process produces a new yarn structure, which approaches the ideal
staple fibre yarn construction even more closely. This has positive
effects on raw material use, productivity, downstream processing, and on
the product appearance.
Factors Affecting The Spinning Triangle
The twist
that is transmitted to the yarn in the ring spinning process originates
along the curve between the traveler and front drafting rollers.
Transmission of twists is opposite to the yarn movement in this area.
The traveler transmits twists to already drafted fibres as close as
possible to the clamping point after the front rollers. However, the
twists never reach the clamping point, because after leaving the front
rollers the fibres tend to direct towards yarn axis. The different
lengths of the path of the inner and outer fibres that form the yarn
cause a spinning triangle in ring spinning.
If the
spinning triangle is too short (a), then the fibres on the edge must be
strongly deflected to bind them in. This is not possible with all
fibres, and lost as fly. Thus with shorter triangle, smaller weak point
resulting into fewer end breaks but makes the yarn hairy. On the other
hand, a long spinning triangle (b) implies a long weak point and hence
more end breaks giving smoother yarn and less fly.
The length of the spinning triangle depends on
spinning geometry and twisting intensity. The form and dimensions of the
spinning triangle significantly influence the structure, surface
characteristics, physical and mechanical characteristics of spun yarn.
Not all fibres that are placed at the external edges of the triangle can
be spun into the yarn structure, and can leave the drafting equipment
without having been spun into the yarn. Such fibres also increase yarn
Figure 1: Spinning triangles (a) Short (b) Long and (c) Side View
The spinning
triangle is the critical weak spot of the spinning process. The
spinning triangle prevents the edge fibres from being completely
incorporated into the yarn body. However, in compact spinning, the
drafted fibres emerging from the nip line of the front roller of the
drafting arrangement are condensed in a line.
Conventional Ring Spinning vs. Compact Ring Spinning
Ring-spun yarn is not perfect. If the enlarged
view of ring spun yarn is examined, it is easy to see that the
integration of many fibres is poor, and they therefore make no
contribution to yarn strength as shown in Figure 2.
In other words, if all fibres could be completely integrated in the
yarn, both strength and elongation could in turn be further enhanced. It
is thus obvious that even ring-spun yarns are not yet ideal as regards
yarn structure
Figure 2 : Spinning triangles in ring and compact spinning.
development of the compact spinning process began with the desire to
achieve a significant improvement in yarn quality by influencing the
spinning triangle (Figure 3). The
process is focused on achieving higher yarn strength and a reduction of
yarn hairiness, especially on eliminating the longer hairs, which have a
particularly bad influence on the further process.
The improvement achieved is shown in the Figure 3. The Fig 3(a)
displays the fibre triangle at the exit of a conventional ring frame
drafting system. The twist imparted by the spindle cannot flow up to the
clamping line. The outer fibres spread out and are thus more highly
tensioned than those on the inside. The Fig 3(b) does not show a spinning triangle. The yarn twist flows right up to the clamping line. The yarn is round and smooth.
Figure 3 : Conventional (a) and compact (b) ring spun yarns
Minimization or even elimination of the
spinning triangle, enables almost all fibres to be incorporated into the
yarn structure with maximum possible length and pre-tension of the
fibres, irrespective of their position in the spinning triangle. The
uniform pre-tension of the majority of fibres enables more synchronic
breakage of the majority of the fibres, which contributes to higher yarn
strength and better utilization of the fibre tenacity.
All compact
yarns, whether produced of short-staple fibres (cotton, cotton-type
chemical fibres and their mixtures) or long-staple fibres (wool,
wool-type chemical fibres and their mixtures) represent a whole new
range of yarns as regards their quality and appearance. When compared
with conventional ring-spun yarns, compact yarns have significantly
higher tenacity and elongation, work to break, and abrasion resistance.
In addition, their surface smoothness, elasticity and softness are much
better thanks to the almost ideal structure of compact yarns. To
achieve tenacity comparable with conventional ring-spun yarns, a lower
number of turns per meter can be used, which enables higher productivity
of the spinning machine, as well as better elasticity and softer hand
of different flat textile products.
Methods of compacting fiber strand
In compact spinning the mass of fibres is
condensed before twist is imparted. This condensation happens in so
called 'Condensing Zone' following the main drafting zone. Different
machine manufactures are using different methods to condense the fibres
emerging out from the front roller. These methods are:
1) Aerodynamic compacting system: a) Suction by drum and b) Suction through perforated apron.
2) Mechanical compact system.
3) Magnetic compacting system.
Aerodynamical compacting system
In this
methods the condensation of the fibres strand take place with help of
perforated drum or apron. The examples of aerodynamical compacting
system are Com4Spin® of Rieter, Elite® Compact Spinning by Suessen,
CompACT3 by Zinser, Com4®wool by Cognetex, Olfil system by Marzoli,
Toyota's compact spinning, etc.
The Rieter Com4 Technology
The Rieter compact spinning solution is based
on aerodynamic parallelization and condensation after the main draft
zone. At the heart of this technology is the perforated drum through
which suction is obtained to create air currents to condense the fibres
coming out of the main draft zone. The main features of this technology
are the perforated drum, the suction system, and the air guide element.
The setup of the system is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 : Cross section drafting unit in Rieter Compact Spinning
The drafting system is 3/3, with the third
bottom roller being replaced by the perforated drum (1). The suction is
created in the perforated drum with the help of the suction system (2).
The drum is directly driven, and is made of materials which have high
wear resistance and also resistant to fibre clinging. The drum helps in
condensing the fibres. For guiding the fibres from the nip of the
drafting cylinder to the spinning triangle, a guided lateral stream of
air is used. For this the air guide element (6) is used. The air guide
element also helps in the further condensation of the fibres in the
compacting zone. The profile of the perforated drum and the arrangement
of the 3rd top roller with the nip roller and the perforated drum are
shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 : Profile of top roller and perforated drum
After the compacting has been done, the fibre
strand needs to be twisted. Hence the spinning triangle is formed, which
results in deterioration of the orientation of the fibres leading to
hairiness, loss of fibres due to fly generation, etc. Therefore, another
nip is given between the Nip roller (5) and the perforated drum, which
doesn’t allow the twist to travel up to the compacting zone reducing the
length of the spinning triangle, and thus leading to reduction in the
above-mentioned occurrences. Also due to compacting and condensation the
base of the spinning triangle b(Figure 6)
reduces when compared to normal ring spinning. This technology is also
expensive, due to the fact that suction has to be provided to each
individual drum.
Figure 6 : Operating principle of Rieter Com4 Technology
The SUESSEN EliTe System
The Suessen EliTe system comprises of a normal 3/3 roller drafting system (Figure 7),
with a pair of aprons on the middle rollers (2). The condensation zone
consists of a Profile tube (9), a lattice apron (3), and the top
delivery roller (6). The top delivery roller drives the lattice apron.
The air permeable lattice slides over the suction tube (9) having an
inclined slot in the region (7-8). The profile tube is stationary. The
drafted roving comes into the condensation zone, where with the help of
the inclined slot and the apron they are condensed up to the point 6 –
Figure 7 Drafting arrangements in SUESSEN EliTe System
The inclined slot in the profile tube as shown in Figure 8
helps in the inclusion of outer fibres into the yarn because of the
tranverse force being applied on the condensed fibres. The air being
drawn in through the suction slot helps in the rotation of the fibres
about their axis which results in better orientation of the fibres and
as a result majority of the fibres are aligned and compacted leading to
reduced hairiness, more strength and elongation, etc.
Figure 8 : Profile tube having inclined slots
The lattice apron is an essential part, and
has to be designed appropriately. The lattice has small perforations,
which doesn’t allow the fibres to be sucked in. The lattice fabric is
made, in case of cotton spinning, of a cotton fabric of simple weave
having around 3000-holes/ square cm. Also the lattice moves slightly
faster than the delivery giving a small drafting leading to optimal
fibre orientation and axial tension. The lattice moves faster, due to
greater diameter of roller 6 than top roller 4a. Also the spinning
triangle formed here is very small as the twist given travels right up
to the clamping line 6-8. Thereby the end breakages and the fly
generation are now reduced as the weak point i.e. the spinning triangle,
has nearly been eliminated.
Advantages of Elite® Compact Yarn
1) Higher work capacity by 30% (max).
2) Higher yarn strength by 20% (max).
3) Better elongation by 20%.
4) Lower hairiness by 85% (max) Zweigle S3.
5) Better yarn evenness.
6) Lower imperfection value (IPI).
The Zinser CompAct Technology
The drafting system (Figure 9)
consists of the normal 3/3-roller system, with aprons on the middle
rollers for better fibre control, and thus allowing processing of a
larger variety of raw materials. The condensing zone starts from 4 till
4-4a. The top roller 4 is covered by the endless apron with a set of
holes in the middle. This apron runs over a profile tube having a
suction slot in the region H1-H2. The fibre bundle is condensed under
suction on the perforated surface of the apron in the zone H1-H2. In
between the zone H1-H2 and 4-4a, the fibre bundle is not under any
suction effect, and thereby loses some of its condensed form and
orientation. Therefore at the nip line 4-4a, the spinning triangle is
not reduced to the minimum as in the case of EliTe, thereby negatively
influencing the quality of the spun yarn. This effect is observed more
prominently while handling shorter staple fibres.
Figure 9 : Drafting and condensing zone
Also the suction slot here is
not inclined as in EliTe, and is directed in the fibre bundle axis. A
small axial tension draft is given here also between the zones 4 and 6,
which improve the adhesion and the compacting of the fibre bundle. .
Advantages of CompACT3 yarn
1) The UT4 hairiness for carded cotton CompACT3 yarn is 20% lower as compared to conventional ring spinning. The S3 hairiness value according to Zweigle reduced by 93% (max).
2) Yarn irregularities (Zellweger Uster) show improvements of 6% (max).
3) 25% (max) lower IPI values (Zellweger Uster).
4) 20% higher tenacity values compared to the values of conventionally spun yarns.
5) Productivity
increase at the spinning machine is 10% (max) through increasing the
spinning speed and/or reducing the yarn twist.
6) Extension of the spinning limit by 15% (max).
Mechanical Compacting System
Mechanical Compacting Spinning (MCS) is given
by Officine Gaudino for long staple. This compact system makes the
compact yarn without the use of air. The compacting of the fibre strand
is carried out with smooth bottom front roller and an angled top roller.
Officine Gaudino offers long staple spinning machine (Model FP 03) with
mechanical compacting system. This compacting system does not require
the additional suction system. The MCS consists of an additional smooth
bottom front roller and an angled top roller. These rollers run at a
slightly slower speed than the front drafting rollers and this 'negative
draft', coupled with offset top roller, creates false twist which
compacts the drafting strand as it comes out from the compacting zone.
This system can be incorporated into the new machines and is claimed to
be easily added or taken off the spinning frame.
The Magnetic Compacting or The Rotorcraft Compacting
technology from Lakshmi Machine Works is based on the RoCoS principle of
magnetic compacting. The need of any perforated drums, endless aprons,
suction tubes, etc are removed by this system.
The RoCoS device (Figure 10)
consists of a cylinder (1), front roller (2), delivery roller (3), the
precision ground and with supra-magnets equipped ceramic compactors (4),
the supporting bridge (5), the yarn guides (6), and the top roller
holders with the weighting springs (8).
The bottom
roller has very precise flutes and radius exactly corresponding to the
compactor radius. The bottom roller (1) supports the front roller (2)
and the delivery roller (3). The precise magnetic compactor (4) is
pressed against the cylinder. A and B are the two nips between which the
compacting takes place.
Figure 10 : Components of RoCoS device
The magnetic compactor (4) as shown in Figure 11
is pressed against the cylinder without any clearance against cylinder
(1), thereby forming with the bottom roller an enclosed compression
chamber where the bottom contour, i.e. the generated surface of the
cylinder (1) moves synchronously with the strand of fibres and
transports these fibres safely through the compactor. Therefore in the
chamber formed, the compacting of the fibre bundle takes place, due to
magnetic forces. The condensation of the fibres takes place to such a
degree so that the formation of the spinning triangle is prevented while
twisting of the fibres takes place.
Figure 11 : Schematic diagram of Magnetic compactor
As a result the power required for this
compacting is very small as compared to the previously mentioned
technologies. The only problem with this technology is that the size of
the front and the delivery roller is considerably smaller, which leads
to increased fiber lapping and problems in serviceability. Also the cost
of this technology is very high.
Dfferent types of Compacting systems
LMW LakshmiSuction Compact System
Leading textile spinning machinery manufacturer Lakshmi Machine
Works Ltd (LMW) with its technologically advanced product “Lakshmi
Suction Compact System” has proven its commitment to provide cost
effective solutions based on varied needs of customers and ever changing
quality demands. The highlights of the system’s technical edge and
field performance are as follows:
Superlative features
This new compact spinning system has suction nozzles which work with
single as well as Siro yarns. It has Quadra suction nozzles with top
suction that improves user friendliness. It is also designed to have
Direct Loading System (DLS) for top rollers resulting uniform and
consistent yarn quality. A special spinning angle ensures enhanced
machine performance. It comes with perforated rubber apron for better
compacting and lesser cleaning requirements as well as ensures lower
power consumption.
Suction Compact System Arrangement
Better compacting begins with better drafting of roving. The fourth
bottom roller is driven by servo motor to deliver the compacted yarn
with utmost accuracy. This separate drive for the fourth roller ensures
that there is no additional load on the drafting drive. The roving from
bobbin passes through main drafting zone of 3 over 3 pneumatic drafting
system and material is guided over the perforated apron. The apron is
placed on the nozzle assembly containing suction slot. Tension draft can
be adjusted with a single touch in the screen.
R&D has helped Lakshmi suction compact system to fulfill all
technological requirements to produce good compact yarn. The new system
ensures uniform suction throughout the machine and improved guiding of
compacted fibres strand to the nip of the delivery roller. Advanced
design of the suction slot and nozzle ensures perfect fibre guidance
through perforated aprons, fluff accumulation free compacting zone.
Also, easily adjustable tension draft ensures technological fine tuning.
Direct Loading System (DLS)
Direct loading system (DLS) for the guiding roller ensures optimum load
to deliver the best quality yarn. With DLS, quality of the output yarn
can be optimised and load on the roller can be easily adjusted. Top arm
load can be maintained like regular machine and the distance between the
compact delivery roller and front top roller can be precisely adjusted
to enhance the performance.
Suction Arrangement
Top suction nozzle unit with its unmatched ease of operation ensures
effective suction system for compacting. A single suction nozzle tube
ensures suction for four spindles thereby easing work for operators
during cleaning and maintenance. Varying boot diameter across the length
of the machine ensures uniform suction thus ensuring every spindle
produces better quality yarn with uniform compacting.
Special Spinning Angle – A Unique Design
LMW always aims for integrating the inbuilt machine design advantages to
ensure that its customer enjoys maximum benefits. Keeping this purpose
in mind, LMW has implemented a special spinning angle for the Lakshmi
compact spinning system which makes yarn stretch length lesser, yarn
tension lower, better twist flow upto the nip and finally gives the
comfort of reduction in end breaks up to 20%.
Lakshmi Suction Compact system works with multiple fibres like cotton,
polyester, viscose, modal, micro modal, PV blends, PC blends, melange,
bamboo, modal cotton blends, Tencel and Regenerated fibres. These
features have ensured that the system has been accepted by top-end
spinners and hence LMW could increase its compact spindle base to 1.5
million spindles within a short period.
Power Consumption
Reducing energy consumption is integral part of innovation at LMW. This
has been made possible by well augmented suction ducting system and
nozzle design. Nozzle has been designed in such a way to meet suction
requirements of each spindle with minimum suction loss, conserving
precious energy.
In short, the Lakshmi Suction Compact Spinning system can help spinners
achieve higher standards of yarn quality with less cost. Adding to the
above, there are advantages of lesser investment cost, quick return on
investment and dedicated after sales service support.
Spinpact- LMW Compact System is developed for achieving Superior
Productivity with Unrivalled Quality and Energy Efficiency. It is an
Ultimate Compact System to produce a fully Compacted yarn for different
applications of Weaving and Knitting.
This Innovation from LMW helps in ease of operation and
ease of maintenance thus improving the overall effective utilization of
the system.
Positive driven perforated apron for better compacting
Suction nozzle with unique cross section made with Special Aluminium alloy
Eight Spindle drive for enhanced suction management and easy maintenance
Top suction system for user friendliness
Special geometry for prolonged compacting and hence matchless lower hairiness and better strength of yarn
Different tension drafts for processing Cotton and MMF
Can be retrofitted in all Ring frame models
Ready to make single and SIRO compact
Inverter controlled Compact Suction motor to adjust & fine-tune the required Compact suction pressure
summarise, the customer has five-fold benefits when choosing the LMW
SpinPact system. Firstly, yarn structures are principally influenced by
the system’s design and construction. LMW’s SpinPact has been built with
the right flexibility to handle both single and SIRO compact systems
with precision, securing uniform cohesion and strength at every level.
Secondly, SpinPact offers the highest strength with the lowest hairiness
index, unmatched by competition. Thirdly, as a result of the machine’s
streamlined processes, there is excellent quality in the output, with
unflinching uniformity. Fourthly, SpinPact is highly energy efficient,
surpassing competition by a long distance. Fifthly, SpinPact’s proven
apron compact yarn production system is remarkably economical in
comparison to competition.
All these reasons establish why LMW SpinPact has now emerged to be the
King of its category, offering unsurpassed value and functional
excellence for life-long benefit to the customer.
A suction connector for every four spindles greatly improves effective compact suction capacity.
The smooth movement of yarn is guaranteed by a precisely-designed perforated apron tensioner.
The fourth top roller has a direct loading system (DLS) to guide the fleece better.
All these features help achieve significant reduction in breakages and improvement in overall quality.
SpinPact produces lesser hairiness index, better yarn strength and
overall lesser objectionable faults, while also ensuring better and
smoother downstream processes.
The machine is suitable for both finer range and coarser range of counts.
RIETER Compact-Spinning Machine K 47
The compact-spinning machine
K 47 produces fully compacted yarns reliably and efficiently. The total
machine uses up to 25% less energy in comparison to other
compact-spinning machines. The integrated individual spindle monitoring
system ISM basic checks the running properties of each individual
spinning position. This ensures the highest level of machine efficiency
and can save about 3% personnel costs.
Yarn parameters can be
easily changed on the control unit thanks to the electronic drafting
system drive. This maximizes production time and makes production highly
The K 47 only requires around 20% of the
compacting energy needed by other comparable solutions. This is achieved
thanks to the unique compacting system and the energy-efficient
The integrated individual spindle monitoring system
ISM basic checks the running properties of each individual spinning
position. The system ensures a high machine efficiency and can save
about 3% personnel costs.
Parameters such as yarn count, twist and
twist direction can be easily changed on the control unit thanks to the
electronic drafting system drive. This maximizes production time.
maintenance costs for the machine are low as the system does not
include a compacting apron and is equipped with technology components
with long service lifes.
With the tube loader ROBOload "wild
loading" tubes are tipped out of a trolley and into a loading device,
where they are sorted automatically. This reduces the work involved.
EliTe®CompactSet Modernization of Existing Ring Spinning Frames
The EliTe®Compact Spinning System is
designed to meet even the most challenging demands that high-end
spinning mills make on a compact spinning system:
optimal and sustained yarn quality
high consistency of all yarn parameters
minimal variation between spinning positions
no restrictions in regard to raw material
easy handling
universal application
can be installed on almost all machine types
many optional features
is a pioneer in compact spinning technology, a world-wide technological
leader and a highly successful supplier of compact spinning systems.
Since the ITMA 1999 in Paris, SUESSEN has sold millions of EliTe®Compact
Spindles and is therefore the most successful company offering compact
spinning systems, as well as technology leader of the market. Many of
these compact spindles have been successfully equipped with EliTwist®Technology.
The Principles of the EliTe®CompactSet
To process effectively carded and combed cotton, man-made fibres and their blends
To arrange the fibres in a completely parallel and close position before twist is imparted
To embed all fibres and fibre ends into the yarn body
To eliminate the spinning triangle
To condense the drafted fibre strand by air flow
How you can benefit from spinning
Up to 25% increased yarn strength
Up to 50% increased work capacity
Up to 85% reduced hairiness (Zweigle S3 fibres > 3 mm)
Up to 30% reduced hairiness (Uster H)
Improved IPI imperfection values
Up to 10% reduction in yarn twist
Up to 60% reduced ends-down rate
Fibre loss reduced by up to 0.01%
Substantially improved spinning stability
Main benefits in the downstream processes
With less hairy yarn your machine will experience less contamination
Weaving production will increase by up to 15%
See enhanced machine efficiency in knitting
Twist insertion into plied yarn will reduce by up to 20%
Save up to 50% in sizing agent
Up to 40% lower ends-down rate in warp and weft
In many cases singeing can be dispensed with
Improved hand and lustre in the final product
Reduced abrasion
Experience fewer needle breaks
Substitute for plied yarns
Improved pilling behaviour, crease resistant
EliTe®Compact Spinning Modernization System for short-staple fibres available for ring spinning machines of:
Chinese manufacturers
ZinserImpact 72
Spinning economy into every yarn
Discover the Zinser 72 with E3: cut
energy costs for suction by more than half; use production areas
efficiently; save on staff and servicing. Convince yourself of the
strengths of the Zinser 72 now and spin the most economical compact
yarns ever on up to 2,016 spindles.
Impact FX - The Triangle of Cleanliness
Top compact quality thanks to self-cleaning Impact FX technology
E³ certified
Save up to 66 % energy on suction
Energy-efficient motor and drive technology
More productivity with 2,016 spindles
Minimise staff and servicing
E³ - Triple added value
Save up to 66 % energy on suction
hide -
TwinSuction saves up to 53 % energy
Save an additional 13 % energy with OptiSuction
Energy-efficient motor and drive technology
High Speed spindles for a low energy requirement
More kg / m²: create more value in production
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Maximum efficiency with up to 2,016 spindles
Space savings of up to 21 % with super-long machines
Produce more with the self-cleaning Impact FX compacting technology
Up to 20 % more production due to a reduction in twist with Impact FX
High-speed spinning over the entire bobbin travel with OptiStep and precision components
More production thanks to Zero Underwinding
Cut staff and servicing input
hide -
Minimal staff and servicing input with the CoWeMat, the most process-reliable doffer
Less handling required due to self-cleaning compacting system Impact FX
Up to 66 % savings on personnel with CoWeFeed
Peace of mind even in the event of a power failure
Reduced operating times thanks to easy handling at EasySpin and rapid configuration via EasySpin touchscreen
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